Prem International School is part of the Traidhos Community. Traidhos includes Prem, a Visiting Schools Programme (VSP), a camp programme, Three-Generation Farm and based in Bangkok the Barge Programme - an environmental education programme. Each programme works with both PREM students and with other schools around the world.
The Traidhos Visiting Schools Programme (VSP), which began in the year 2000, has been providing experiential education programmes and welcoming international students year-round.
Traidhos Camp has been running residential holiday programmes since 2010.
Traidhos Three-Generation Farm provides cross-curricular farm opportunities, which encourage participants to connect to the natural world while learning new skills and knowledge.
Initiated in 1995, Traidhos Barge Programme provides experiential learning programmes focusing on the Chao Phraya watershed and other diverse environments of Thailand.
For more information about Traidhos programmes, click here.
Lynda Rolph
Head of Community
Traidhos Three-Generation Community
more about themselves.
to live happily alongside new friends from different places.
themselves to outdoor adventures and enjoy the excitement of campfires, games and outings.
more confident living away from home.
Traidhos Camp works with international and bilingual staff from the Traidhos Barge and Visiting School Programmes, and enthusiastic university counsellors. All staff love being with students, have experience in facilitating activities in Thailand and caring for summer campers. They are passionate about building camp community, making sure campers have a memorable time and developing the skills of a global citizen. Staff are trained in first aid and are aware of site risk assessments to keep children safe. Everyone has had a criminal background check.
To find out more about our upcoming Camps, please click here.
To register for a camp, please click here.
To contact us if you have any questions, please email :
All programs will also be offered as day camps alongside the residential option. Please sign up for as many days across multiple camps as you want to.
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