Student Wellbeing & Support 

We take the holistic development of our students seriously, ensuring a nurturing environment that promotes emotional, social, and academic growth. Your child's wellbeing is our top priority, guiding every aspect of their educational journey.  Please click on the images below for more information. 

Three senior school students picking up brochures from a college representative with other people talking in the background at Prem's annual college and careers fair

College & Career Counselling

info graphic of Connections, Prem's Homeroom bespoke pastoral curriculum for exploring social, emotional, health and economic topics

Pastoral Care

Nicole McGowan, Aliya Allibhai, Noortje Janssen, Prem's three Personal Counsellors

Personal Counselling

Prem International School's team of six nurses from Prem's Medical Centre having their picture taken in front of the school sign

Medical Centre

Katie McLean, Prem's Wellbeing Coordinator

Wellbeing Coordinator